The article is published In Noyabrsky issue of the magazine "Best Computer Games". Recall that the materials on online games are placed on “gaming XP” within four weeks after the new number of LIKs in the retail sale is released.
The following articles from the November “LKI” will appear (or already appeared) on the XP: the Prevent of The Secret World and Grimlands, the continuation of the Hildmaster textbook on the World of Warcraft, the review of the autumn update of World of Tanks, as well as the game guide to the magician in Aion.
Five years ago, the slightest rumor about mythical Fallout Online excited the cathedral mind of the players and forced their hearts to beat rapidly. But now I came out Fallout 3, And fans of the immortal series exhaled a little. Why nadline is a new Fallout, when it is playing well alone?
After the developers of the multiplayer games began to massively “bother the swords onto the machines”, moving away from the fantasy genre into space and post -core wastelands, the excitement around the online Fall was completely asleep. This is probably why the presentation of his ideological niece Grimlands , what happened on Gamescom 2011 , passed by the eyes of most journalists and lovers of games.
… which is not surprising at such a major event. Making marathon races from the stand with Battlefield 3 To the stand with Skyrim transit through the presentation Wildstar And the tournament in Dota 2, You can not only miss a post -apocalyptic action movie from little -known Poles, but also forget what planet you are on and which race you belong.
What kind of dark horse is this that even fans viewed Borderlands 2, the same topic in the same surroundings of the wasteland? This is “Shooter Mmorpg”, in other words, “online role -playing shooter”. It is such a genre characteristic that the creators give the new project. But, paradoxically, the militant in Grimlands is not always put at the forefront.
The West after the Apocalypse is too wild.
Non -standard soup set
Grimlands openly says “No War!". At least nuclear. In the background there is no standard soup set consisting of a global conflict, a series of bombing and subsequent radioactive precipitation with the hordes of mutants. The cause of the death of the world was a global earthquake that came … acid rains and, as a result, hordes of mutants. But they do not care, whether the surviving population of the Earth was involved in the cataclysm or on the sidelines stood. Now humanity has one way out – survive.
Survival in the Wild South-West of the United States is put on a wide foot. First of all, a system of crafts will come to the rescue, which will create and improve almost everything from almost everything: from simple weapons and ending with advanced transport, several people at once. Secondly, players will be able to rebuild the destroyed settlements from scratch in order to subsequently protect them from mutants and organized raider gangs. And here, too, craft resources will come in handy. The production system, as well as the number of alleged professions, has not yet been disclosed, but tons of trash, which are always generous with a wasteland, remove the question of where to look.
Not a word is also said about clans and fraternities, but it is clear that the game will not do without them: the construction and protection of important objects is a collective business.
Ready to fight about the lay – in this suburban cottage there is something to profit.
Besclass Armageddon
The harsh world does not accept the classes and the corresponding parameters-all responsibility for the development of the character takes on skills, which, given the potential of the world, should be enough for everyone, and a little more will remain. The level of skill depends on how often (and effectively, it is necessary to assume) it is used. True, if we use the skill occasionally or do not use them at all, dexterity is gradually lost. For example, while the hero reaches skill in shooting from a shotgun, the skill of ownership of the “sniper” falls to the level of the skirting board. Therefore, the development of a fighter, who would have all the weapons skills at the maximum, can become a sisyphus work for the player.
PVP is an integral component of Grimlands, which the trailer is especially convinced of: they shoot here from everything that has a trigger, a muzzle and at least one cartridge. Shoot on the run, from shelters, from hills and in full growth. But here, the developers laid a highlight in the gaming process dough: thanks to the noise indicators and movement, the player will be able to vary his tactics and become almost invisible, for example, hiding in the shadows. The same "shadow" scheme should work in PVE.
Apparently, a building suitable for restoration and comprehensive development.
* * *
Another question: whether you want to rebuild it? There is not enough one external resemblance to the “folaut -like” worlds, and the orientation to the militant hardly accepts peaceful work. The worlds built on reflex actions are more likely to come to achievers and suppressors who are little inclined to the painstaking arrangement of a cozy nest. And as to the very warhead, it is also not all good with it: despite the fact that the view here is strictly from a third person, the animation of the characters is limping on one leg, then on the other. It is incomprehensible to shoot, or to giggle over pins in the cowboys ..
It remains only to wish that the developers listen to the players during the closed testing at the end of the year – maybe then Grimlands will have a chance of successful and comfortable existence.
We hope we doubt
On a high -quality fighting, a powerful peaceful component and competent mixture of these two components. And also on the fact that the creators will not focus on the word "conditionally" when it comes to payment model.
Grimlands is very like Earthrise And, apparently, he is preparing to step on the same rake. In words, everything looks very beautiful, only there is nothing to confirm their words to the developers.
[A modest dragon, hidden helicopter] (JavaScript:;)
Polish team Drago Entertainment , Despite the loud name, there was not enough stars from the sky. And yet, for thirteen years of existence, she was noted by three good games, and in completely different genres. The Poles debuted in 1998 with a curious helicopter arcade Hell-Copter. Tactics Cold Zero, Critics, both in Russia and abroad, became the starry hour of "dragon". And two years later, after the continuation of the oil tiecun Oil Tycoon 2 , The studio "fell silent" for six years, and even compatriots probably forgot about it.
Currently, on the official Drago website there is a boom of vacancies: a small team will try to repeat its star hour, multiplying experience in creating militants on the ability to plunge into a new genre for themselves. This time – multi -user.
Interestingly, the official website of the studio does not mention the Hell-Copter project in vain. Although on old covers the Drago logo proudly flaunts next to Ubisoft, the publisher of Arcade.