December 12, 20222 Option
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You are a free merchant, which means you have incredible power. No, you are far from the emperor, but the fate of the whole worlds may depend on one of your words and a pistol. Let not everyone know your name yet, but soon it will thunder all over the expanse of the Coronus-the distant corner of the Imperium, where at the beginning of Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, the fortress ship-fortress is sent.
A closed alpha of the upcoming role -playing game immediately throws us into the Space Ocean of the confrontation of lawyers and anarchists, righteous and heretics, people, mutants and xenos. And in these battles almost never unambiguously right and guilty. It all depends on the point of view.Your point of view.
And where would you prefer to be born?
In games like Pathfinder or Pillars of **Eternity The first stages are very important: the moment of creating a character and determining his characteristics. In the Alpha Rogue Trader, we lose this opportunity, starting immediately from the second chapter. Yes, the player must initially make certain decisions related to the past of his character, but we will learn the story of what happened at the beginning from dialogues with other characters.
From conversations, we will learn about other heroes (as well as our acquaintance), which turned out to be very colorful. In Rogue Trader, as expected, we have to read, read and read again, and if he wants, the player learns everything about everyone. Here is a furious warrior and a predictor who can save your life more than once, and an inquisitor with a technojreman … and everyone, of course, has their own abilities. Moreover, the number of your companions, if desired, will quickly begin to grow, but not everyone will be glad of the new company.
And since it was about the text, for obvious reasons there are enough flaws, and a lot is described in English (such as, for example, the combat skills of your satellites or description of objects). But the main arrays of the text encountered are available in Russian and perfectly immerse you in the history and world of the game. For example, having met representatives of a certain order, we will read the text telling about his rector. Or, going on a dangerous journey, we will learn about what is happening on the ship on behalf of one of the team members.
As not a big expert on the Warhammer 40,000 universe, at first I was afraid that it would be difficult for me to understand what was happening, but in general it is quite simple to understand everything. And to find out the details, talk to one or another character, carefully read the text, put the mouse on the illuminated words – everything is quite traditional. Moreover, no one will require you to immerse your head. If you want, you can skip the dialogs and immediately rush along the plot, towards adventures, battles and complex solutions!
The player will always be able to play the role of a terrible and bloodthirsty executioner.
The battles at Rogue Trader are step -by -step battles, where your heroes and enemies of all kinds of forms, shapes and sizes go alternately: from frantic animals to giant machines. I will not be original by comparing the combat system with Xcom , Since this is really the first impression: there are step -by -step battles, you have a firearm and grenades, as well as the ability to attack in close combat, there are skills and possible shelters where you can hide from long -range attacks, there is a percentage of the goal of the target ..
And as in XCOM, you are surprised when you stand almost next to the enemy, there are 95%conditioned over it, but you smear. However, in fairness, this works in the opposite direction: the hero’s companions can also be very dexterous. But it is also surprising that when the enemy approaches the enemy, the chance of hitting him may not increase.
In a closed alpha, we already initially have a lot of skills and reach 15 level. But I would like to, creating my characters from scratch, independently determine the path by which the heroes will go. During the test, we have to study that there is something, in practice – before finding the perfect combination and using further exclusively to it.
At the same time, due to the fact that different characters have many different features, an amazing depth of battles will reveal to you. This person can either go to the forefront, or sit in shelter, it can be turned into a tank that attracts up to 8 opponents in close combat, or forced to run with a cheetah’s dexterity from one enemy to another, and this fragile aristocrat can put himself under attack, but to destroy several enemies at once … And this is not counting that we will constantly make a choice, what ability to use further. For example, destroy the enemy, treat an ally or give him additional movement points?..
Having taken a profitable position, you will quickly cope with the superior enemy forces. Even if you use only weapons.
Continuing the topic of battles and at the same time affecting the topic that immediately distinguishes Rogue Trader from previous creations of OWLCAT. There are battles in space here. And they seemed to me the most boring element of the game.
Arriving in any star system, you can see, for example, pirate ships, and soon start the battle. If the initiative is on your side, you go first, and a huge spaceship begins its movement along the large field, divided into squares. If you wish, you order a salvo with a left or right side, shoot from tower guns, attack a powerful beam in front or launch guided torpedoes. Plus your companions allow the use of their abilities.
Thus, the move after the course you first destroy the shields, and then the opponents themselves, relying on the luck and the calculation of the trajectory of their movement. So the battle is coming to an end relatively quickly and sometimes spectacular. But this simplicity does not please, causing for the most part a yawn: tactical battles on the planet are much deeper and more diverse.
Combat interface during space battles https://sister-site.org/black-magic-casino/.
In general, the game offers the adventures of ground, and then cosmic – alternately. You land on the planet, communicate with the locals, get into troubles, get out of them, simultaneously typing the mountains of Luta (you leave the useful with you, and you load the unnecessary on the ship and then sell it – it is very convenient!) and solving local problems of planetary significance. Here, for example, an acute shortage of provisions, and here are the rebels, who can be dealt with … one way or another. Unless, of course, do not help them and do not direct their blow to the local authorities.
Yes, the meaning of what is happening has become much greater (nevertheless, fate depends on you much more than before many people), but you do not feel such a connection with what was happening as it was in the same Pathfinder. Minor stories here are not so personal and catchy, but, of course, this is only an alpha, and not a full -fledged game in which you will spend tens of hours.
And what is immediately striking is the scale of Rogue Trader. First getting to the location, you are amazed how many literally everything is here. And the characters (an empty mass, of course, mainly), and objects that encourage you to explore the world, and the space itself: at first you are even afraid to get lost, and then, realizing what and where, you begin to see the depth of levels. Impressive.
After walking on the surface, we can return to the ship, our base, in order to chat with team members or react to incidents. Then we move to the global map and, scanning the area, we find new star systems and explore them, from the planet to the planet. Where, by the way, there may be valuable resources that we should minute. Moreover, travel between the systems carries a lot of threats: the free merchant will have to ensure that the routes are safe, and in which case to repulse the enemies. Confront chaos.
Unsafe varnish jump means a meeting with a mass of new friends.
Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is still far from the release. I am sure that the developers will improve both the unsympathetic interface and various design elements in general, and optimization with space battles. And work on the logic of percentage of hits. There were also bugs, but insignificant: a couple of times during the battles the enemies simply stuck in place and could not make a move. I had to restart.
But with all this, I spent more time in the game directly than in the same The Callisto Protocol. And got more pleasure. Now it remains only to imagine how the final product can turn out. And thank God the Imperor.